A valid photo ID and permanent residence is required at check-in.
Guest are encouraged to check in when staff is on-sight (Mon-Fri 9am-5pm). If needed, we will make special arrangements for after hour/weekend check ins.
Molly’s House Campus is a smoke free, alcohol, drug, and weapon free facility.
All guest bedrooms have cable TV and a private bathroom. Linens and towels are provided.
For health reasons, food and beverages are only allowed in the kitchens, solarium areas and outside patio.
Molly's House is monitored, remotely, via security cameras.
Outside doors are always locked, as well as the guest bedrooms. Each guest will be given their own special code to unlock the outside doors and their bedroom.
Volunteers or staff are not qualified to provide medical or medically related services of any kind.
Molly’s House is a 501(c) 3 organization that is run by volunteers and contributions from the community. Subsidized stays are available upon request and approval.
Our Mission: To support our healthcare community by providing temporary and affordable accommodations for them and their families.