To reserve your stay at Molly’s house, a referral is required from a staff member at your medical facility. The referral process is easy and can be completed and submitted online by clicking the button below. We will be in touch within 48 hours of receipt of referral. Note- Please call the house if there is an immediate need: (772) 223-6659
Fill out the front page of this form and fax it to Molly’s House (772.223.9990). Referrals can also be made online by visiting our website:
Call Molly’s House (772.223.6659) to confirm receipt of the referral.
Let your patient and/or their guests know that Molly’s House will call them directly to confirm their reservation.
FAQs What is Molly’s House? Molly’s House is a certified healthcare hospitality house supporting patients receiving medical treatment with temporary affordable accommodations for them and their families. It’s similar to a Ronald McDonald house, but we accept all ages.
Where is it located? 430 SE Osceola Street Stuart, FL 34994. We are within walking distance of Cleveland Clinic Martin North Hospital and within a 1-hour drive to several hospitals and medical facilities in Port St. Lucie, Jupiter, and West Palm Beach.
What does it cost to stay? $40 per night (regardless of room size/number of people). Subsidized stays are available upon request and approval.
When can guests check in? Guests are encouraged to check in when staff is onsite (Mon-Fri, 9 am-5 pm) to provide a tour and help them settle into their rooms. We understand this is not always possible in an emergency or with transportation issues. After-hours or on weekend arrivals: guests use a 4-digit code they choose to get into the house and their room.
Is Molly’s House secure? Outside doors and guest bedrooms are always locked. Each guest chooses a personal 4-digit code to access the house and their bedroom. The house is monitored remotely via security cameras.
Can I make a referral after hours or on the weekend? Yes, referrals can be made at any time. Please call the house to confirm the referral if the request is urgent. On-call staff handles after-hour calls, referrals, and check-ins.
How many rooms are at Molly’s House? We have 14 guest rooms with private bathrooms. They’re assigned based on availability, number of guests in the group, and accessibility. Linens and towels are provided.
What are the house amenities? On-site parking à Wi-Fi à complimentary laundry à elevator à library à chapel à living room à garden à two full-size, fully equipped kitchens à designated refrigerator & cupboard space
Are meals provided at Molly’s House? Dinner is provided the nights we offer our “Chef for a Day” program. Community members, businesses, and local restaurants will occasionally provide dinner for all the guests (schedule posted). Our pantry is filled with soups, pasta, and other staples for guests.